Choosing the right supplement

I am sure we are all familiar with the phrase...

"Eat your carrots they are good for your eyes."

...but is this just an old wives' tale (after all have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses!) or is there more to it.

We all know that a healthy diet is important for general health. In particular, anti-oxidants are believed to be important because they help protect the cells in the body from ‘oxidants’ or ‘free-radicals’. This extends to eye health as well and it is thought that cell degeneration is a key factor in the development of many changes within the eye as we age.

Many nutrients carry approved health claims that you will see on a lot of products:

  • Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal vision.
  • DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision.
  • Vitamin C and E contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
  • Vitamins C, B12 & magnesium which contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system.

Others such as bilberry or lutein do not carry approved claims, but are still thought to be good for the eyes.

So a good diet rich in green leafy vegetables, colourful fruit and oily fish will help your eyes as well as your overall eye health. In addition nutritional supplements can be a useful way to top-up and ensure you are getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals.

The particular nutrients thought to be beneficial varies depending upon the condition that you have . Please see the additional guides below to narrow down the best ingredients and supplements for your particular needs.

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